1. Up early after a late night to go sign papers for the new job on Thursday.
2. TB test at the Urgent Care center near me, which means I had an early morning run in with a needle. Now usually, when confronted with a needle (in the morning or not)I tend to vomit or pass out, or a combination of both. But this morning, I was determined. I gave myself a pep-talk in the car before heading in to the office, and said, "Self, you are NOT a wuss. Only wussy baby-face lame-os faint at a tiny little needle. And since you are bad ass, you will NOT faint/puke today." And guess what? I didn't. My charming powers of persuasion are so powerful that they even work on myself.
3. Came home and ate 4 tacos. I was hugely ravenous when I finally got home after having nothing but coffee all day, but admittedly, 4 tacos may have been a little much. Not long from now I'll be wallowing on the couch with a taco belly. Even so, I regret nothing.
Murphy and I hope you're having a happy Tuesday. (-:

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