Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Good news!

I had a very very good interview yesterday. But in the interest of not jinxing it, that is all the info you get. (-: I'll let you all know more when I get more info.

Secondly, I think I am going to start volunteering again (on my own, not with a group). I think I'll be with Home Base Youth Services, cleaning for them and maybe eventually making relationships with some of their youth. I'm pretty excited about it.

The weather is very oddly chilly out today for April in Phoenix. (no lie-I'm wearing a hoodie!) Hopefully it will be nice for the road trip Spencer and I have planned for tomorrow-up to Jerome and through lots of little towns in between. I'm real excited to go, and he is real excited to take the new FJ Cruiser out on the road. **Sidenote: we've been trying to think of a name for the FJ. So far, Spencer's got the winner with "Cruise-ella DeVille." It's witty, and the FJ is black and white, so it's perfect. (and a good Disney ref) I'll take tons of photos and post some up later this week.

ALso, my mortality has hit me square between the eyes this week, but in hopes of keeping this a positive post, I will save those thoughts for another time.

For now, love love love.
(it's the best thing you can leave behind)

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