Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I just saw a commercial for a "brand new hand soap device". This new modification on the old way of pumping soap into you hand now allows you to get soap pumped directly into your hand-hands free. The selling point during the whole commercial is that this new "hands free" way cuts down on all those nasty germs just lurking on the soap dispenser. Now you dont have to actually touch the soap dispenser, cause LORD knows, you dont want all those germs on your hands all day.

There's just one problem with that-RIGHT after you touch the soap pump, YOU WASH YOUR HANDS.

Meaning you wash off all (or most) of those germs.

The fact that this product made it all the way through marketing to commercials just proves that people will buy anything.

1 comment:

Eric the Something said...

Oh thank Jeebus! I thought I was the only one that shook my head at this commercial in disbelief.