Monday, August 11, 2008

"lightning...struck my brain."

I’ve had an epiphany today while at work. (or maybe I was just reminded again, of something that I already know)

It’s likely that I am too verbally judgmental…especially when frustrated. (or hungry..or tired…or on sunny days..)

I have a hard time dealing with people who can’t keep up. Mentally, or in work situations, or with wit. (and even with driving…slow drivers make me nuts) I have that artist’s eye that doesn’t let any detail escape. I have that writer’s ear that scrutinizes every word spoken (or misspoken.) So in situations where I am beginning to get frustrated with someone’s perceived lack of competence, often my brain starts to make a tally of all the other things that annoy me about that person.

I am ashamed to say that they are always petty and superficial.**

So here is my confession. I am a petty, superficial, judgmental awful person. Sometimes. I am forgetful, I think. Of the fact that not everyone was blessed with an amazing family, to give them wisdom and instruction. Not everyone had a good set of friends (I didn’t always) to help them stay on the right path and make good decisions. Not everyone was given a perfectly healthy body, or not everyone came out of adolescence with theirs still in tact.

I am lucky, and am grateful to be sure.

But what I am going to try to be less of from now on, is forgetful. More understanding, more patience, give out more love. Because that, guys and dolls, is what it’s all about.

Love love love.

**Sidenote:To my friends who know me best, I’m sure you have seen some of this from me lately. Even covered with wit and humor, this is no way to be. I am not a bully, and loathe those who are. I sincerely apologize for my less than charming rants, and hope you will remind me in the future if I start to head off in that direction.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Speaking of...

In the interest of keeping yours, heres a brief life update...

I have fond memories of the Olympics from as far back as I can remember. And yet, athletic I am not. What an amazing feat of advertising.

On that same note, I would really like to go to see the Olympic games firsthand at some point in my life.

I had Bob the Brilliant help me convince a friend about this game theory, we had been of different minds about it. BUT it was fun, and I love figuring things out. Especially with other people.

I am taking 6 classes this fall. That's 17 credits, for any of you pumpkins who might be wondering. I may die, but it's also likely that i am the most driven and focused person you know. In either case, say a little prayer for my poor brain this semester. (and my class is a dance class!)

More thoughtful writing soon.