Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The newest edition to my life this year-my new kitten, Weasley. (note the red hair) Weasley so far, is the least annoying/pretentious cat I have ever met. I enjoy his company, and he seems to enjoy mine. I'm a sucker for animals, although I never thought I would be a cat person, I am a Weasley person, for sure.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Family Ties

THis article is about my brother, a Mr. Brandon Patrick. He is smart, witty, fun, and can rap on the spot like no one you know. (lol...that's actually true-although he wont often do it)

I am aways impressed with him, as I am with all of my family. I have been very blessed by an exceptional group of siblings. It's hard to keep up with us.

The Explorer: the voice of Marana

Friday, December 11, 2009

I need your help! (yes-you!)

It would be wonderful if you could go vote for my photo in a photo contest-and help me win!
Here is the link:

Fossil Photo Contest

My photo is of the blue tent in the top row, 5th over from the left.

And pass this on!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

One more...

Birthday, the biggest one so far.


This year's birthday was a big one. (numerically.) But instead of stress about it, I had a really awesome weekend that culminated in the best actual birthDAY I can remember in a long time.

I am to tired to blog it all out right now, but here are pictures. I am a very lucky girl.

Thanks to all of you who made this birthday such a great one.