Friday, April 16, 2010


(**warning!: Dear reader, I feel obligated to warn that I am not my normal perky self today. So if you are reading in hopes of sunshine and smiles, you may want to redirect quickly to the nearest pro-bunny webpage. Perhaps here.)

"At the present time, ______________ has no available positions, please check back later."

Or even better:

"After carefully reviewing your resume, we do not think you are the right fit for our current needs."

I am getting very frustrated, and in my frustration I typically do one of a few things:

A. Clean obsessively
B. Cry
C. Work out
D. Drink
E. Write
F. Vent to Laney

As of now, the only things on that list I have yet to do today is cry and drink. And since the house is now sparkling clean, my legs are sore from the work out, and poor Laney is having a rough day of her own, I am on my way to the bathtub, most definitely with a glass of wine.

Maybe it is time to take my resume to someone to have it looked over. And perhaps it is time to start putting together writing samples to send to editors. And after all of those options are exhausted, if I am still jobless, perhaps it will then be time to cry.

1 comment:

Jaymee said...

A. Your warning is very Liminy Snicket- I love it.
B. I'm sorry the job search is not working out. Have you applied to my company?
C. Wine can be yummy.
D. If Laney has a bad day, remember I'm only a phone call or text away.
E. Boogers.