Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday bloody Tuesday.

Today (so far) consists of:

1. Up early after a late night to go sign papers for the new job on Thursday.

2. TB test at the Urgent Care center near me, which means I had an early morning run in with a needle. Now usually, when confronted with a needle (in the morning or not)I tend to vomit or pass out, or a combination of both. But this morning, I was determined. I gave myself a pep-talk in the car before heading in to the office, and said, "Self, you are NOT a wuss. Only wussy baby-face lame-os faint at a tiny little needle. And since you are bad ass, you will NOT faint/puke today." And guess what? I didn't. My charming powers of persuasion are so powerful that they even work on myself.

3. Came home and ate 4 tacos. I was hugely ravenous when I finally got home after having nothing but coffee all day, but admittedly, 4 tacos may have been a little much. Not long from now I'll be wallowing on the couch with a taco belly. Even so, I regret nothing.

Murphy and I hope you're having a happy Tuesday. (-:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Yaay Capitalism!

I am now an employee of the City of Peoria!

I'll be working with kids again, and SO excited. I really believe working with kids in any capacity is similar to non-prof work-it helps the future society as a whole, if you do it right. The non-prof job hunt continues, but for now, I am once again a contributing member of society again!

Hooray for happy Mondays.
Love love love.
(its non-prof work at its best)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Good news!

I had a very very good interview yesterday. But in the interest of not jinxing it, that is all the info you get. (-: I'll let you all know more when I get more info.

Secondly, I think I am going to start volunteering again (on my own, not with a group). I think I'll be with Home Base Youth Services, cleaning for them and maybe eventually making relationships with some of their youth. I'm pretty excited about it.

The weather is very oddly chilly out today for April in Phoenix. (no lie-I'm wearing a hoodie!) Hopefully it will be nice for the road trip Spencer and I have planned for tomorrow-up to Jerome and through lots of little towns in between. I'm real excited to go, and he is real excited to take the new FJ Cruiser out on the road. **Sidenote: we've been trying to think of a name for the FJ. So far, Spencer's got the winner with "Cruise-ella DeVille." It's witty, and the FJ is black and white, so it's perfect. (and a good Disney ref) I'll take tons of photos and post some up later this week.

ALso, my mortality has hit me square between the eyes this week, but in hopes of keeping this a positive post, I will save those thoughts for another time.

For now, love love love.
(it's the best thing you can leave behind)

Friday, April 16, 2010


(**warning!: Dear reader, I feel obligated to warn that I am not my normal perky self today. So if you are reading in hopes of sunshine and smiles, you may want to redirect quickly to the nearest pro-bunny webpage. Perhaps here.)

"At the present time, ______________ has no available positions, please check back later."

Or even better:

"After carefully reviewing your resume, we do not think you are the right fit for our current needs."

I am getting very frustrated, and in my frustration I typically do one of a few things:

A. Clean obsessively
B. Cry
C. Work out
D. Drink
E. Write
F. Vent to Laney

As of now, the only things on that list I have yet to do today is cry and drink. And since the house is now sparkling clean, my legs are sore from the work out, and poor Laney is having a rough day of her own, I am on my way to the bathtub, most definitely with a glass of wine.

Maybe it is time to take my resume to someone to have it looked over. And perhaps it is time to start putting together writing samples to send to editors. And after all of those options are exhausted, if I am still jobless, perhaps it will then be time to cry.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good afternoon, and bonjour, sweet babies.

In case you were wondering, my morning thus far:
(in list form because I love lists)

1. Somehow I made the perfect cup of coffee (my life's blood), a deliciously fattening bagel with cream cheesers, and fake bacon. (mmm)

2. Even amidst this heavenly yummyness, my silly brain managed to remind me that I am now 30 years of age, and jobless. 30. I remember when my Dad was 30, and how I thought that was some sort of magical age where everything came together in a sweet little victory knot of perfection. I'm sure my loving Dad would tell me that I'm being silly, and that of course he did not have life figured out any more than I currently do. But still, this morning during coffee, 30 hit me square between the eyes. It smarted a little bit.

3. My fella and I watched Pearl Harbor last night (i had never seen it) and it reminded me of how much I love that 40s style. SO for the better part of this morning I have been online trying to learn how to form Victory Rolls and other beautiful and romantic up-dos. I also found a great salon here in Phoenix that does pin up hair styles that I cant wait to try out. (once I am a working girl again, of course)

4. Lastly, I am headed out to Tempe tonight to pick up my curling iron, cookbooks, and see some of my favorite people. So I should be off, to repaint my nails and beautify before Murphy and I go on our daily walk.

Hope you all are having a happy day,
Love love love.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"I just can't, JULIA will know."

Myyyyy life has been humming along, but clearly, my blogging skills have not. But never fear, sweet readers, my relationship with writing/blogging is that of an unfaithful lover. Better yet, writing-for me-is like the stray cat that you just cannot get rid of. No matter how you ignore it, and how far away you drop it off in hopes that it will not return, it will end up inevitably mewing at your back door.

So here we are. I am sitting in the living room of my new second home (soon to be first)with my new best pal, Murphy "Scatter Gun" O'Hoolihan, the Brittany puppy that Spencer and I now love. (and sometimes get in arguments with) He and I are watching Julie and Julia (which led to my need to blog, of course) Spencer, for those of you who dont get my silly school girl texts, is the new fantastic boyfriend. He is funny, caring, witty, smart, and the boy can cook!! His latest yummyness is what we call "Scurvy Tacos." They have, among other things, rum and lime in them, and just thinking about them makes my mouth water. Mmmm.

I am graduating this semester, am currently jobless, and the job front for non-profit work is very bleak. It is very likely that I am soon going to have to take a stupid entry level job somewhere just to create some income, while I continue to interview with non-profits. This is frustrating, but I will squeak by. My life always seems to have a way of working itself out, and it will again, now. I have always been well taken care of, by the one who knit me together in my mother's womb.

Everything is on the up and up, fellows, and will continue to be so. After all, His eye is on the sparrow, and He most certainly is watching over me. (-:

On a sillier side of this week, Spencer and I along with one of his sons went to a dog show this morning. It was a pluthera of prime people watching, as predicted. I for the first time in my life was without my camera, so I have no photos to prove that we saw a rodigian ridgeback being run by a man in a 3 piece suit-AND mullet. One that rivaled Billy Ray-pre Miley Cirus of course. The icing on that dog show cupcake was the blonde 10 year old who was watching the beagles run while wearing a BRIGHT blue, KISS t-shirt. God, it was amazing.

Anyhow, all this talk of foody nonsense is making me hunnngry. I'm going to go root through this bachelor's kitchen in hopes of ingredients for anything on the yum yum side. Good night, all.

Love, love, love. (it's what keeps me sane)