First, let me say that this year was a trying one for me. I have moved on, so I won't bore you with details, but I will tell you that in the face of loneliness and total separation from everything I used to love I was given newness. Not the store bought cat-nip kind previously mentioned, but something far healthier.
I was re-introduced (or reminded?) of friends that I have had since I was little and growing up in my church. Meg and Melissa who I went to Tatum with, along with their parents and Megan's husband Jon have been such positive forces and examples of how I am well taken care of by the One who knows me best. Seems like I've read somewhere about how friends who are bonded together by Him can be closer than family...
And on the topic of family, mine is the best. My Dad is a never ending beacon of support and wisdom. My brothers and sister and their spouses are some of my favorite people to be around. We laugh more than anyone else I know, and have a language all our own. I am privileged to say that my sister is one of my best friends, and I am a better person for it.
At any rate, this particular blog is written in celebration and thanks for some amazing people that I have been given.
I hope you are lucky to have the same kinds of close friends/family. I know I am.
Megan doesn't know it yet, but I changed her homepage to my blog.(...thats why the title is her name)
You should too.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I am a sucker for the new.
New clothes, new shoes, new places to eat, new music, new tattoos, new hair, new books. Somewhere in my head it's something a kin to exploring. Finding new favorites is like, the new last frontier. And listen man, I am just the girl to "boldly go." (3 points if you got the Star Trek ref.)
This craving for the new unknown gets me into trouble however. I know it's hard to believe that moi, the queen of frugality, the duchess of wise decisions could possibly get herself into a heap of trouble, but yes, it happens.
I can talk myself into anything. I can justify it all. It is like a catnip haze I slip into when shopping or eating at the new greatest place or seeing that new movie. I am tricked by the ambiance of food patios, the glow of the brightly colored cellophane packaging, the smell of new beautiful heels.
This, my sympathetic friends, is no way to be. Live with this insatiable appetite too long, and you'll find you have a lack of anything of substance and a surplus of bills.
SO. While reading one day, (proverbs 31 round verse 23 through 26) my sometimes slow, but brilliant little mind put together an effective budget plan. I am happy to report that as of yet, your girl has been steadfast in her resolve to save and spend wisely. You'd be surprised how many free budget making resources there are on out there on the interweb! I guess it may be an indication about the financial values of our culture...
All of that being said, here are a few of the *New* that I am excited about:
-Matt Nathanson (i know he's been around a while...but I just discovered my love for his lyrics)
-Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
-Viva la Vida
-The new neon printed shirts from TWLOHA
-Brayline...check it out on myspace
-Kung Fu Panda
-photography (ok this isn't new...but I forgot how much I loved it)
Let me know if you try any of these..and if you love them like I do.
I'll leave you with some of Mr Nathanson's lyrical genius from his song, Come On Get Higher:
" I miss the sound of your voice
the loudest thing in my head
and I ache to remember
all the violent, sweet, perfect words that you said
if I could walk on water
if I could tell you what's next
make you believe
make you forget"
New clothes, new shoes, new places to eat, new music, new tattoos, new hair, new books. Somewhere in my head it's something a kin to exploring. Finding new favorites is like, the new last frontier. And listen man, I am just the girl to "boldly go." (3 points if you got the Star Trek ref.)
This craving for the new unknown gets me into trouble however. I know it's hard to believe that moi, the queen of frugality, the duchess of wise decisions could possibly get herself into a heap of trouble, but yes, it happens.
I can talk myself into anything. I can justify it all. It is like a catnip haze I slip into when shopping or eating at the new greatest place or seeing that new movie. I am tricked by the ambiance of food patios, the glow of the brightly colored cellophane packaging, the smell of new beautiful heels.
This, my sympathetic friends, is no way to be. Live with this insatiable appetite too long, and you'll find you have a lack of anything of substance and a surplus of bills.
SO. While reading one day, (proverbs 31 round verse 23 through 26) my sometimes slow, but brilliant little mind put together an effective budget plan. I am happy to report that as of yet, your girl has been steadfast in her resolve to save and spend wisely. You'd be surprised how many free budget making resources there are on out there on the interweb! I guess it may be an indication about the financial values of our culture...
All of that being said, here are a few of the *New* that I am excited about:
-Matt Nathanson (i know he's been around a while...but I just discovered my love for his lyrics)
-Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
-Viva la Vida
-The new neon printed shirts from TWLOHA
-Brayline...check it out on myspace
-Kung Fu Panda
-photography (ok this isn't new...but I forgot how much I loved it)
Let me know if you try any of these..and if you love them like I do.
I'll leave you with some of Mr Nathanson's lyrical genius from his song, Come On Get Higher:
" I miss the sound of your voice
the loudest thing in my head
and I ache to remember
all the violent, sweet, perfect words that you said
if I could walk on water
if I could tell you what's next
make you believe
make you forget"
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!
I've been feeling a familiar pull lately. I get restless sometimes. Like an itch under my skin starts, signaling that i need to spend some time alone, some reflection time, some time with the One who knows me best. It seems no coincidence that this time it happened right around Father's Day.
My heart lately has been focused on a few feelings that have been hard to understand. So the prayers have been something to effect of, "Just give me a definite sign," or "Just make this decision clear to me," or better yet "Just make this decision FOR me?" I am certainly not in favor of giving ultimatums to the Creator of the Universe, but sometimes, well a girl just needs some stinkin' answers.
So yesterday, after working my shift in the oh so glamorous hotel, I headed home with a plan to spend some Father's Day time with the Father of all. I made a date with Him, and turns out, He accepted.
I packed some food and a thermos of my favorite Orange Blossom tea and headed to the Beach Park. (Let me just sidenote here that I feel totally ridiculous calling it the "Beach Park" when it is, in fact, in the middle of Tempe, in the middle of the desert...and there isn't even any sand.) I also brought my journal, my bible, and purposefully left my summer reading material at home-to avoid distraction.
The walk there was pleasant, due to an uncharacteristic cool breeze, and the Zen was playing all the songs I love. The first thing I always do is walk by the Center for the Arts, because I love the water features that they have. The combination of the roaring water noise, cool breeze, and humid smell from the lake could almost make you think you were at a real beach. (If you closed your eyes. And wished real hard.)
I took a bunch of pictures, and found a spot where I could sit and read/write/pray for a while. It was really good to just turn off the phone and not care what else was going on in the world for a little while. It is so hard to find quiet peace.
Yesterday I found peace in the One who whispers my deepest desires straight to my heart.
What I found out is this:
I am loved. (so i should stop worrying so much)
I am taken care of. (He will fulfill all of the desires He created me with)
I am a work in progress. (so I shouldnt be so hard on myself)
Tomorrow I go back to the job and the week begins again, along with all of its' commitments. Hopefully I can carry this peace with me back into the flurry of normal life.
*Another sidenote: right when I was in the middle of some intense divine conversation, out on the lake somewhere in the dark calming quiet a guy yells "ICEBERG!!" I don't know if I should think about that too hard...but at the time I just laughed.*
I'll share the photos soon, hope you enjoy.
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