So, I signed up, but found out that it was a lottery process since so many people want to be a part of this concert experience-so I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. Turns out, 3 days before the concert I found out I got picked! "WOOHOO!" I yelled, and literally ran around the house with glee. I then of course called Allison, the biggest U2 fan I know, and told her the news. She woo-hooed as well, and we made plans for a sleep over and then early start to the stadium on the morning of the 20th. (Allison was a ticket holder, not a worker, and wanted to get up early to be in line with the rest of the die-hard fans.)
So Allison spends the night on the 19th, (she fell asleep watching the DVD of their last tour-I swear she was smiling in her sleep. Like a kid on Christmas eve!)and right after she falls asleep I get an email from the ONE organizer that we need more people to be involved the next day, so if we wanted to bring one friend we could. How do you choose which of your friends should go with you to see one of the most amazing /legendary bands of our generation? Well, I decided to ask the person sitting next to me at that moment-my roommate, Karima. It took a tiny bit of coaxing, as she had class the next day, but she was easily convinced that such an opportunity comes up only once in a lifetime.

Allison and I got up (her=bright eyed and bushy tailed. me=groggy and confused)and left the apartment by 6am, so we could make it to the stadium by 7am to sit in line. First, I'd like to mention that I didnt actually have to be at the stadium until 2PM, but I thought it would be super fun to experience the super-fan madness. (also, I hated the thought that Allison was gonna be there by herself!) Secondly, our super-fan line was on the shady side of the stadium, so it was also super-cold. Luckily, Allsion's parents live close, so they brought us a warm Grandma-esque afghan, and a yummy chicken salad sandwich.
I left Allison around 2pm when Karima got there, and we went over to the booth to receive our orders. We got outfitted with ONE tshirts, wrist bands that let us in all over the stadium, (even backstage!) and tiny laptop computers to sign people up with the organization on. The work was grueling, long, but we were looking forward to the concert ahead. Not only the concert, but our organizer, Matt, promised us that our seats would be "better than any ticket-holder's" and that we would be on stage during one song of the set!
Finally, after 4.5 hours of working, we were rounded up to head backstage and onto the stadium floor to watch the show. Right when we were passing the tour buses, Matt stopped us, and the concert manager had us quick line up over to the side. We all wondered why, until there was a commotion up at the front of the line. Two of the 4 members of the Black Eyed Peas were coming down the line to say hi to us and take pictures! I head Matt say "Wow, they never do this" to the concert manager, and Karima and I giggled at how lucky we were. We were then herded onto the concert floor, given instructions on when to return for our song on-stage, and let loose.

The concert was amazing (of course) and Matt was right-our spots where as close as you could get to the stage! Karima and I stood right at the crowd gate in front of the stage where Adam stood all night, and we were just boggled at how lucky we were to be chosen for the whole thing. Then, during the City of Blinding Lights, we headed backstage and got ready for our debut during this song:
Walk On
After the show, Karima and I could barely stand up anymore, I was staving and exhausted, but totally star-struck.
See kids? Volunteer work has it's perks.
Love love love. (it's what Bono would do)
1 comment:
This post is awesome. I had a blast-and-a-half, and I'm so grateful you got yourself up to come with me!!!
I just wish you could've stood on on the part of the stage in front of where I was!
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