Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The newest edition to my life this year-my new kitten, Weasley. (note the red hair) Weasley so far, is the least annoying/pretentious cat I have ever met. I enjoy his company, and he seems to enjoy mine. I'm a sucker for animals, although I never thought I would be a cat person, I am a Weasley person, for sure.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Family Ties

THis article is about my brother, a Mr. Brandon Patrick. He is smart, witty, fun, and can rap on the spot like no one you know. (lol...that's actually true-although he wont often do it)

I am aways impressed with him, as I am with all of my family. I have been very blessed by an exceptional group of siblings. It's hard to keep up with us.

The Explorer: the voice of Marana

Friday, December 11, 2009

I need your help! (yes-you!)

It would be wonderful if you could go vote for my photo in a photo contest-and help me win!
Here is the link:

Fossil Photo Contest

My photo is of the blue tent in the top row, 5th over from the left.

And pass this on!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

One more...

Birthday, the biggest one so far.


This year's birthday was a big one. (numerically.) But instead of stress about it, I had a really awesome weekend that culminated in the best actual birthDAY I can remember in a long time.

I am to tired to blog it all out right now, but here are pictures. I am a very lucky girl.

Thanks to all of you who made this birthday such a great one.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Hiya pals.

I just wanted to give you a heads up to let you know that the next 2 weeks are finals for me, which means it is not likely I will but updating much. I will, however, give you a projected overview of what may happen, along with the footwear involved:

December 1: Research Methods proposal presentation, and final exam. I will likely get an A on one, and at least a C on the other. Either way, I will pass the course, and never have to think about it again. (thank the Lord, and anyone else responsible)Flats.

December 3: Truth and Justice final paper due. This is likely to be a good paper, and the teacher may or may not be blown away. Boots.

December 4th-6th: THE BIRTHDAY WEEKEND and I have no idea what I am doing. If the Bear is around (and not broken in 3 places still) we will prolly be together, if not, I have no plans. I think I have been putting off plan making for this birthday, as it is a kind of big one (thanks, Dad, for reminding me this weekend) and I thought I would have had a lot more accomplished by now. (including some little ones) Ah well. A couple wrong turns, and I'm back on track. ALSO< it is Karima's birthday on the 6th, and if I am not gone, we will celebrate for sure. Sneakers, heels or boots, depending on the plans.

December 7: (my actual birthday) Final due for my trends class-maybe another 100% like my mid-term? Also, likely my last Omega Phi Alpha meeting as an active member. I may go get gelato at some point during this day. Sneakers.

December 9: Reading day, and by this day I will be done wit this semester (wooohoo) and almost done with school in general. Perhaps done with being on campus altogether. (this is pretty exciting, but I have no idea what comes next)No shoes, socks only, hangin out at work.

December 16: UGLY SWEATER PARTY! 8pm, meet @ my apt. Depending on how this goes, the next day may or may not be completely gross. Flats.

December 18: Shonda's birthday party and general mayhem. Again, depending on how this goes, the next day may or may not be completely gross. I'll be wearing heels.

I'm off to go study, write papers, wish I had a computer, and try to find a new/second job.

Life is busy right now, but it's on the cusp of getting WAY better.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

My Irish Heritage

We Irish are a pretty feisty bunch. This is pretty hilarious
The "box" incident
Have a good weekend.
Love love love.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

U2 concert in October

In that last re-cap post, I forgot to mention the U2 concert that I was fortunate enough to get to go to last month! I am a member of the ONE Campaign organization that is largely supported by Bono and U2, and had the opportunity to sign up to work the ONE booth at the stadium, the day of the concert-and then get to watch the show-FOR FREE!

So, I signed up, but found out that it was a lottery process since so many people want to be a part of this concert experience-so I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. Turns out, 3 days before the concert I found out I got picked! "WOOHOO!" I yelled, and literally ran around the house with glee. I then of course called Allison, the biggest U2 fan I know, and told her the news. She woo-hooed as well, and we made plans for a sleep over and then early start to the stadium on the morning of the 20th. (Allison was a ticket holder, not a worker, and wanted to get up early to be in line with the rest of the die-hard fans.)

So Allison spends the night on the 19th, (she fell asleep watching the DVD of their last tour-I swear she was smiling in her sleep. Like a kid on Christmas eve!)and right after she falls asleep I get an email from the ONE organizer that we need more people to be involved the next day, so if we wanted to bring one friend we could. How do you choose which of your friends should go with you to see one of the most amazing /legendary bands of our generation? Well, I decided to ask the person sitting next to me at that moment-my roommate, Karima. It took a tiny bit of coaxing, as she had class the next day, but she was easily convinced that such an opportunity comes up only once in a lifetime.

Allison and I got up (her=bright eyed and bushy tailed. me=groggy and confused)and left the apartment by 6am, so we could make it to the stadium by 7am to sit in line. First, I'd like to mention that I didnt actually have to be at the stadium until 2PM, but I thought it would be super fun to experience the super-fan madness. (also, I hated the thought that Allison was gonna be there by herself!) Secondly, our super-fan line was on the shady side of the stadium, so it was also super-cold. Luckily, Allsion's parents live close, so they brought us a warm Grandma-esque afghan, and a yummy chicken salad sandwich.

I left Allison around 2pm when Karima got there, and we went over to the booth to receive our orders. We got outfitted with ONE tshirts, wrist bands that let us in all over the stadium, (even backstage!) and tiny laptop computers to sign people up with the organization on. The work was grueling, long, but we were looking forward to the concert ahead. Not only the concert, but our organizer, Matt, promised us that our seats would be "better than any ticket-holder's" and that we would be on stage during one song of the set!

Finally, after 4.5 hours of working, we were rounded up to head backstage and onto the stadium floor to watch the show. Right when we were passing the tour buses, Matt stopped us, and the concert manager had us quick line up over to the side. We all wondered why, until there was a commotion up at the front of the line. Two of the 4 members of the Black Eyed Peas were coming down the line to say hi to us and take pictures! I head Matt say "Wow, they never do this" to the concert manager, and Karima and I giggled at how lucky we were. We were then herded onto the concert floor, given instructions on when to return for our song on-stage, and let loose.

The concert was amazing (of course) and Matt was right-our spots where as close as you could get to the stage! Karima and I stood right at the crowd gate in front of the stage where Adam stood all night, and we were just boggled at how lucky we were to be chosen for the whole thing. Then, during the City of Blinding Lights, we headed backstage and got ready for our debut during this song:
Walk On

After the show, Karima and I could barely stand up anymore, I was staving and exhausted, but totally star-struck.

See kids? Volunteer work has it's perks.
Love love love. (it's what Bono would do)

Monday, November 9, 2009

November and 90 (degrees, that is.)

And so.

You may have noticed that I let my bloggy blog go for a little while. Well, it seems necessity has beckoned me back to the world of blogging in 3 ways.
1) I have not seen Dustin and his sweeter-than-he-is wife in quite some time, and I want him to be updated on my life…since I follow his via blog.
2) Allison (the Yankees put me in the hospital) Tucker has deleted her Facebook, and she must be updated as well
3) Lastly, my little soul just yearns to write sometimes…even if it is just silly nonsensicalness from my day.

So what has happened in my blogging sabbatical? Not as much as you’d think, I bet.

I am in my last full semester of ASU, and man, am I antsy. I find myself staring out windows during lecture, not caring as much about paper composition (but still getting B’s-imagine that) and generally dreaming about the day that I can move on with life. ***It is just about this time during the day that I start FREAKing out about the possibility of finding a job, and how to do it, how to live on the non-profit income, etc. If the freak outs had a sound, it would be that of an air-raid siren***

Here is what I’ve been dreaming about lately:
-Moving the HECK out of AZ (or at least PHX) before the summer. Oy, I am finally sick of it.
-Getting an internship with TWLOHA, and moving to Florida for a while because of it
-Getting hired at TWLOHA (or anywhere really) and settling down to work for a good cause
-Oregon. A cozy home with a fireplace sounds nice.

Which brings me to my next-to-last point, GLOBAL WARMING. If you don’t believe in it, you’re a fool. (and probably just not old enough to remember anything different) When I was younger I remember having to dress in layers on Halloween many a year, because it was so chilly outside. These past 5 years have been gradually staying warmer longer, leading to our 90 degree November right now. I AM GOING TO GO nuts if I don’t see a weather change soon. Seriously, it’s really putting me on edge. (could you tell?)

I may need to do a roadtrip soon, somewhere Northern with better weather. Anyone want to go?

Lastly, I am going to be very sad if I have to stay in PHX for the whole of the holiday break in December. I need to get out of here, even for a week. To anywhere really. Any ideas? Who wants to go? Also-some kind of Holiday party must happen in Dec. And birthday sillyness….(oh this year is going to be a rough one-that will have to be a whole separate blog.)

Dustin: I miss you guys, and hope all is well. Keep the blogs coming.
Allison: I miss our Facebook relationship. I’m glad youre alive though, and that the Yankees didn’t kill you.

Love love love.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


"It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars." - Garrison Keillor

Saw this quote on a social website and loved it.

When I was young, we used to listen to Garrison Keillor on the radio-his Lake Wobegone series-while we were eating dinner. Some of the best stories, and while they are still good if you read one of his books, I think there is a certain simple goodness to just listening.

Although, there can be other good things...

love love love.
(and silly dancing)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Dad, the artist

My Dad called to tell me about the website he's working on-with his artwork and so on, he's super excited.

I checked it out, and it's very cool, so I thought I would share it--
John Patrick, the artist

The painting on the top right is titled "You smell nice"...take a peek, you might laugh.


Camp Awesome, 2009

So I am planning a camping adventure for a group in July, and sent an email out today that I thought I'd share. "like to hear it?...Here it goes..."

"....Also, I know some of you have never been camping before, so I thought I'd send along some ideas about movies or shows you can watch to get a good idea of what it'll be like.

1) Heavyweights: with Ben Stiller! This was a family favorite in my house growing up! Total must see.
"Attention campers. Lunch has been cancelled due to lack of hustle. Deal with it. "
Heavyweights, Best of

2) Parent Trap-The old one with Haily Mills, classic.

3) Camp Nowhere- with Christopher Lloyd; another Patrick family favorite

**honorable mention-Camp Rock: How adorable are those Jonas Brothers? lol


1) Salute Your Shorts-Nickelodeon classic, and the theme song will forever stick with you once you've heard it
Camp Anawanna

2) Hey Dude-another Nickelodeon winner. Horse camp/resort set in Arizona...the stereotypes are....astounding
"watch out for those man eating jack-rabbits, and the killer cacti"
Hey Dude Theme song

Alright, I'm sure that's enough to keep you busy for a while..."

I know I may have left out quite a few other with John Candy in particular...but the ones listed above have particular links to my little childhood...and therefore to my heart.

Enjoy your day, Campers.
love love love.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

hunger, like a tiny mouse gnawing away inside my tummy

Yipes, it has been a while again. I have no excuse, unless laziness counts.

Life is progressing along in the way that it normally does, forwards not backwards.

On the bus this morning there was a guy who was pretty young, very healthy looking, and completely out of his gourd. He was talking to himself about "not doing it again because (his) girlfriend would find out". I am still wondering what "it" was, and if there really was a girlfriend. Just before I got to my stop, he turned around and shared this little nugget of comedy/tragedy with all of his fellow bus-mates:

"Imagine this: (dramatic pause)what if you could take prescription drugs to make your skin Wolverine-style? I mean, it doesn't happen right away, but eventually, it does."

**sidenote:This got me thinking that I might want to have a car again soon

So, this summer is looking like this so far:
*Just read this and cant wait to read this

*Camping here soon.

*And maybe here.

*I am so excited for this to start on Monday.

(Ha-Dustin's not the only one who can post mysterious links to keep interest!) There will be more soon...but for now, I am hungry.

Friday, March 27, 2009

B+ (Be positive)

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do
something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I
can do." ~Edward Everett Hale

This has been my mantra for the majority of my life. What is yours?

"Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." -Dr Seuss

How have you helped someone else out today?

"This is the true joy in life - being used for a purpose recognized by
yourself as a mighty one; being thoroughly worn out before you are
thrown on the scrap heap; being a force of nature instead of a feverish
selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the
world will not devote itself to making you happy." ~George Bernard Shaw

Love love love.
(it's the most you can give)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Internet Rights via Facebook

Facebook just did something genius...they created a declaration of rights for Facebook users that could very easily be applied to all internet users. A document that each user can be made aware of, can refer back to, and use for enforcing violations could be potentially huge for information rights, among other law areas...

It is probably about time for something like this to be thought about. Our global (internet) community needs a declaration. It seems like our friends at Facebook have created a framework of sorts.

This is exciting.

Friday, February 13, 2009


SO yesterday this posted on my Twitter page:

"People choose the paths that grant them the greatest rewards for the least amount of effort." - David Shore

and then this posted:

"A Continental plane has crashed into a house in Buffalo, New York. " -CNN newsbreak

I know it shouldn't strike me as funny, but it did.
Happy Friday the 13th.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

routines and pushy people

I am being productive again, now that I a back in the routine of school and work. It's a bit bizarre probably, but I really only enjoy the school breaks for the first couple of days, then I begin to miss my little routines.

I like reading while waiting for the Orbit in the early crispness of the morning. Tempe doesn't seem to really wake up till 10am, I love the angle of light and I like the stillness. I like watching the birds in scatter while they fight over tiny bits of food and bugs on the sidewalk. I like getting to campus early(-ish) in the mornings before all of the free on campus New York times are gone. I like getting a cup of coffee from the only place on campus who knows how to make it-Einstein's Bagels. I even like going to class and fighting for the seat farthest away from the door and close to the windows so I can watch the birds swoop and not listen. At the end of the day I like seeing the palm trees silhouetted against the amazing pastel sunset. I like that the birds all sit up on the telephone wires and squawk like in the movies. I like the way I feel happy when I walk in the door to the casita and it smells like fried onion because Karima is already cooking dinner.

All of that may sound pretty mundane to you. But it is the simple beauty in all of those basic things that make me love life. My life is pretty good, and I am constantly in awe of the One who created me and my mundane but beautiful surroundings.

love love love.
(how could you not?)