Sunday, July 27, 2008

And a happy happy to you too.”

Do you ever play the quote game? Probably one of my favorite pastimes is innocently eavesdropping or accidentally overhearing people’s conversations and relaying the often funny parts I hear to absent friends via text.

“He likes to get an early start on his Sabbathing.”

This game’s an amazingly good time waster, and I’ve found there is no end to the funny quotes to quote-especially when I’m on campus and attempting (unsuccessfully) to do homework, study, or write a paper. I’ve even contemplated putting together a small ‘zine just for fun full of silly things seen and heard on campus. Maybe I should call it “Seen and Heard” like Harriet the Spy.

At any rate, there have been a few things tumbling around in my head since the last post. (More than a few actually, I’ve been remiss with my posting this week) It seems I’ve had more than one conversation lately about Christians and how much influence they have on Christianity just by carrying that label. I think it started with a discussion at church by a well meaning, but less than well educated person on the topic of other religions. It occurred to me somewhere in the discussion that if Christians keep teaching each other what they think they know, but in reality have no authority on, the Christian community will never get any more mature. Hmm…I will leave this thought at that-feel free to hollar me if you want more.

“….Boogie Wonderland…..”

Another tumbler is the idea of context. I suppose there is a certain amount of responsibility that comes with interpreting any text or manuscript. Being a writer like I am, I know how carefully words can be chosen, how much care goes into completing a thought, how much work goes into communicating an idea or concept. Right along with my quotes game previously mentioned, or the never ending “That’s What She Said” game, anything can be twisted into any meaning whatsoever when taken out of context. Tempting though it may be, there is more satisfaction to be had in cutting to the true meaning of a passage than in pulling out key phrases or sentences in order to back whatever misfired thought that may be tumbling around at that particular moment. To be more to the point (it may not only be in my head that thoughts are tumbling) using the Bible in whatever way we so choose to back whatever argument we choose is very risky business.

“Heeey Dad! He made a smiley face!”

Lastly, and tumbling at a rapid rate, is my excitement about a new job as well as for the new school year. (They go hand in hand, somewhat) I have a new job on campus at ASU in the Math and Statistics department. Those of you who know me and my scholastic aptitude may have just laughed, but no no friends, I’m serious. I’ll be answering phones, running errands, filing, and other odd jobs that have little to nothing to do with the mathematical discipline. I believe my actual title is “Friendly Front Deskette” and it will be my personal mission to make the “Nerd-ery” (not my words) more personable as well as fashion forward. (LOL Elle Woods would be SO proud)

“This was an omen from the start!”

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