Saturday, August 14, 2010

Conversations with Spencer

While watching a show about people's real life ghost stories, Spencer turns to me and says,

"Did I ever tell you about my Zoo ghost story? I was at the zoo the same day one of the monkeys died. I took a bunch of photos and when I got home, I loaded them on the computer and noticed that there was a weird shape in some of them.

It was an APE-arition."

He was so serious that I was totally sucked in to the story till that last line.

Even better, a little while later he says "Sometimes my camara takes pictures with spooky fruit in them. They're APPLE-ritions."

I'm pretty sure I laughed for 5 minutes at that one.
He's witty. (-:

Night y'all.
love love love.
(and silly jokes)

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