Saturday, August 14, 2010

Conversations with Spencer

While watching a show about people's real life ghost stories, Spencer turns to me and says,

"Did I ever tell you about my Zoo ghost story? I was at the zoo the same day one of the monkeys died. I took a bunch of photos and when I got home, I loaded them on the computer and noticed that there was a weird shape in some of them.

It was an APE-arition."

He was so serious that I was totally sucked in to the story till that last line.

Even better, a little while later he says "Sometimes my camara takes pictures with spooky fruit in them. They're APPLE-ritions."

I'm pretty sure I laughed for 5 minutes at that one.
He's witty. (-:

Night y'all.
love love love.
(and silly jokes)

Friday, August 13, 2010


I woke up this morning to salt all over the kitchen floor. What happened? Spencer dropped the salt shaker, it broke, and the salt spilt everywhere. He looks at me and says, "Not a good start to this Friday the 13th." So i asked if he threw some over his shoulder and he looked at me like I was nuts and said, "um no."

He's adorable.
Have a lucky day!

love love love.
(and black cats)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Things are beginning to even out again, in my life as well as the world.

Despite the efforts of the 100 degree(plus)heat, it is starting to smell like Autumn. With school starting, all the store shelves are lined with supplies, and the air is thick with aspirations. (and to be honest, the smell of new school supplies makes me almost giddy)

More on aspirations soon.

love love love.