Friday, November 5, 2010


I used to make long lengthy lists of things during my week or day that made me happy. Here is my list as of late:

1. I like reading about people via their blogs. (both people I know AND dont know)
2. I love my dogs...even though they're little monsters sometimes.
3. RED CUP SEASON!! It may still be 95 degrees here in Phoenix, but that little red starbucks cup still makes me excited for the holiday season.
4. My fella, whose wit makes our house a happy place full of laughter always.(even when he wakes me up at 2am eating crackers in our bed)
5. I love my beautiful blueberry truck-ish that the fella gave me.
6. Even though I dont get to see them very often, I have some of the most amazing people as friends. As soon as I get a little more settled, I promise to see all of you more often.
7. Pumpkin pie.
8. Books. Now that I'm out of school I finally have time to read again! Barnes and Noble and the library have becomemy new favorite places.
9. Snail mail. I still love getting letters. SEND me some! (-:
10. Coffee. My never ending obsession. Now and forever.

ok. Enough for now. Happy weekend, everyone!
love love love.