Yipes, it has been a while again. I have no excuse, unless laziness counts.
Life is progressing along in the way that it normally does, forwards not backwards.
On the bus this morning there was a guy who was pretty young, very healthy looking, and completely out of his gourd. He was talking to himself about "not doing it again because (his) girlfriend would find out". I am still wondering what "it" was, and if there really was a girlfriend. Just before I got to my stop, he turned around and shared this little nugget of comedy/tragedy with all of his fellow bus-mates:
"Imagine this: (dramatic pause)what if you could take prescription drugs to make your skin Wolverine-style? I mean, it doesn't happen right away, but eventually, it does."
**sidenote:This got me thinking that I might want to have a car again soon
So, this summer is looking like this so far:
*Just read this and cant wait to read this
*Camping here soon.
*And maybe here.
*I am so excited for this to start on Monday.
(Ha-Dustin's not the only one who can post mysterious links to keep interest!) There will be more soon...but for now, I am hungry.