Friday, October 31, 2008

Growing Mojitos and Voter Fish Registration

Relaxing last Saturday night consisted of:

*Sitting on my couch reading Thomas Hobbes’ “Of Commonwealth” (for fun).

*Drinking a mango Mojito whose label read “Premium Malt Beverage with the natural flavors of Mango and Mojito”. Then, (obviously) pondering where the Mojito grows naturally, and from what sort of plant does it come, and who are the industrious people who grow and sell them to the likes of me.

*Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers are warbling political commentary from the TV in the background. Poehler is wondering why a goldfish named “Princess Nudleman” is a registered voter, but then settles that It is due to the fact that Princess Nudleman is the “most awesome gold fish name ever”.

All of these circumstances lead to the inclination to write them down, if for no other reason than to have record of a moment, that when thought about too long, is both funny and slightly sad.

Friday, October 3, 2008

ANd then...

One day when she least expected it, it was Autumn.

It seemed as if the summer would never leave, that her throat would be dry forever and the time for hoodies had fled-never to return.

But on this, the most amazing Friday, when she opened her front door to leave for work, she was not greeted by the wall of heat that accompanied every other God-forsaken day. Instead there was a pleasant coolness and slight breeze.

Today, she is genuinely happy.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

food in tubes?

So I was walking on campus yesterday and I caught only half of some girl's conversation, but it was enough to boggle me 24 hours later...

"...and she used the whole tube!! I mean, I told her she could use it to make her chicken salad, but she used ALL of it!"

Now, I don't eat meat so maybe I can't remember what goes in chicken salad-BUT I still can't think of anything that comes in TUBE form that would be an ingredient.

Any ideas?