Monday, November 9, 2009

November and 90 (degrees, that is.)

And so.

You may have noticed that I let my bloggy blog go for a little while. Well, it seems necessity has beckoned me back to the world of blogging in 3 ways.
1) I have not seen Dustin and his sweeter-than-he-is wife in quite some time, and I want him to be updated on my life…since I follow his via blog.
2) Allison (the Yankees put me in the hospital) Tucker has deleted her Facebook, and she must be updated as well
3) Lastly, my little soul just yearns to write sometimes…even if it is just silly nonsensicalness from my day.

So what has happened in my blogging sabbatical? Not as much as you’d think, I bet.

I am in my last full semester of ASU, and man, am I antsy. I find myself staring out windows during lecture, not caring as much about paper composition (but still getting B’s-imagine that) and generally dreaming about the day that I can move on with life. ***It is just about this time during the day that I start FREAKing out about the possibility of finding a job, and how to do it, how to live on the non-profit income, etc. If the freak outs had a sound, it would be that of an air-raid siren***

Here is what I’ve been dreaming about lately:
-Moving the HECK out of AZ (or at least PHX) before the summer. Oy, I am finally sick of it.
-Getting an internship with TWLOHA, and moving to Florida for a while because of it
-Getting hired at TWLOHA (or anywhere really) and settling down to work for a good cause
-Oregon. A cozy home with a fireplace sounds nice.

Which brings me to my next-to-last point, GLOBAL WARMING. If you don’t believe in it, you’re a fool. (and probably just not old enough to remember anything different) When I was younger I remember having to dress in layers on Halloween many a year, because it was so chilly outside. These past 5 years have been gradually staying warmer longer, leading to our 90 degree November right now. I AM GOING TO GO nuts if I don’t see a weather change soon. Seriously, it’s really putting me on edge. (could you tell?)

I may need to do a roadtrip soon, somewhere Northern with better weather. Anyone want to go?

Lastly, I am going to be very sad if I have to stay in PHX for the whole of the holiday break in December. I need to get out of here, even for a week. To anywhere really. Any ideas? Who wants to go? Also-some kind of Holiday party must happen in Dec. And birthday sillyness….(oh this year is going to be a rough one-that will have to be a whole separate blog.)

Dustin: I miss you guys, and hope all is well. Keep the blogs coming.
Allison: I miss our Facebook relationship. I’m glad youre alive though, and that the Yankees didn’t kill you.

Love love love.


Allison said...

I miss our Facebook relationship too! (It will come back eventually, although when... I do not know)

And the Yankees didn't try to kill me. I remember when I was younger in Sunday school and my teacher told me I shouldn't pray about teams winning baseball games...
She was wrong. God answered my prayers.
I'm banking that the Phillies franchise found out about this little prayer deal I have goin' on with the Big Guy & purposely made me go into anaphylactic shock. (In no way can my mini-heart attack have anything to do with a reaction to the Gardisel vaccine. It just doesn't seem probable!) ;)

Fitness In Real Life said...

Glad your back at it- well be home for thanksgiving